This post titled Normal Child Growth & Development was “Demonic” Said the Shepherds in JRS The Walk is a subsection of No Non-cents Nanna blogs by author Malika Bourne. (Online author’s legal pen name.) From the years 1972 to 1983, as a member of The Church of the Living Word cult, I offered my expertise in childcare. I was seeing, unmet developmental goals, safety issues in the nurseries, and abuse in the “Kingdom Schools” my children attended instead of my preference for Head Start and public school. But, that was a No-No brick wall with my husband due to the influence of leadership in “Kingdom Businesses”. I had been groomed to be a “doily on the head” “help-meet” wife of […]
Category: safety
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Gas Stove Recalls Twisted to “The Government Won’t Let You Cook or Heat with Gas”.
A small study linked asthma in children to gas stoves. (See below.) Some major T.V. networks commented on this study that triggered an emotional outcry on social media that I personally believe was underinformed of facts on the hazards of gas for fuel. Why do I seem to have an entirely different interpretation of safety regulations than other nonprofessional content creators on legitimate health and safety concerns of gas stoves in the kitchen? This post will attempt to explore the many-sided complex debate. The Subject of This Post The subject of this post is whether or not the “U.S. government is going to send troops to take away your gas stoves” and how this became a pr disaster. Malika […]
Living Word Cult -Video Collection – part 3 Christian Church to Cult
I am a survivor of the Church of the Living Word Culf founded by the late John Robert Stevens. There – I said it! I am no longer afraid. It has taken me many decades to sort out, “How did Christian Tabernacle go from church to cult”? It turns out that I was not alone with post-traumatic stress from the “criminal” deeds of wolves in sheep clothing leaders of the Living Word. Family, friends, and loved ones were been torn apart all “in the name of Thy Kingdom Come”. There are many other survivors as well who what to know more about how we got here from where this charismatic leader seduced innocent people into his web of […]
Blue Berries Are Good For You – But Are They Safe for you to eat? …and more…
Last week blueberries were on sale, so I bought the maximum number of little plastic boxes full of fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, manganese, and potassium with few calories to enjoy in a variety of ways. I was certain that our family meals would be nutritious – and they are, but, you cannot peel the pesticides out of a blueberry. After reading a WebMD article written by Jay Croft from one of my email subscriptions – ugh! I doubted my choice. Of course, No Non-cents Nanna had to write a post about blueberries, pesticides, and creepy crawly invisible bacteria. This post is not about just blueberries. Here’s some food for thought to more closely examine: I will be covering all kinds […]
Germs in your water pipes Ewww! -and Latin Meanings
Let’s take a close look at germs in your tap water and what your city uses to clean it up to make it safe to drink. In this underwater exploration, we will take a closer look at waterborne diseases and the chemicals used to disinfect. Historically before wise people figured out the transmission and prevention of diseases there were some interesting myths that still exist today. This post will deep dive into more than you ever thought about being related to water and some of the naturally occurring “stuff’. It’s all chemically based. If that sounds like Greek to you – well, we are going to learn more than a few Latin root words, too. Like it or not we […]
This Week is National Poison Prevention Week (March 20-24, 2023)
Today, March 20, 2023, marks the first day of This National Poison Prevention Week (March 20-24, 2023). I encourage everyone to take this moment to set aside at least 5 minutes every day to take a close look at the potential for poisoning in your home. In families with small children, the amount of dedicated time needed will obviously take longer to peruse your home. In this post, No Non-cents Nanna shares the Press Release from the CPSC, The U. S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. I’ll share some safety tips: how and where to get help if someone is suspected of swallowing poison; common poisonous materials that children accidentally put in their mouths including ,medications, lithium batteries and seasonings in […]
I Have RECALLED Food – Now What Do I Do?
No one wants to get sick from the food they ate. Nor do we wish an allergic reaction or food poisoning on any other people that are about to eat what we ate that made us sick. Not everybody has a “cast iron stomach”. Different people may have few, mild or serious reactions to a specific food. When a food product has been identified as what caused one person to become ill, a Public Health Alert. If 2 people are sick from the same thing this is called an outbreak. Food RECALL may be issued. A food RECALL may also be issued over unreported allergens. Yes, if you think the food you ate is contaminated, you can report it. Unfortunately, […]
How Can I Tell If My Food is Safe After a Weather Event?
What if a random act of nature knocks out all of the electricity for 2 weeks what can I safely feed my family? I don’t want to be the chicken who runs around with my head cut off, so to speak, warning the neighbors that the sky is about to fall on my food freezer. I want to be the one who prepared folks as a Public Service to my community. Ideally, I want to live with my family in a cool, calm, and collected neighborhood where everyone has planned ahead random weather events that we cannot control. In my dreams – right? Until that perfect world comes, I will continue to teach parents the basics of safety, including food […]