In a previous post titled “Normal Child Growth & Development was “Demonic,” Said the Shepherds in The Walk of JRS Church of the Living Word” I promised to write and publish specific details on why that particular cult got child rearing all wrong. Are ages and stages of transforming from infancy to toddlerhood and early childhood normal or are growth and developmental exploring, immature relations to disappointment, wet diapers, and hunger from a demonic origin? Sorry for the interruption: No Non-cents Nanna blog on the Cult of the Living Word Cult is under a DDos attack. Someone doesn’t not the content concerning my history with the exposed cult. This post is only in the rough draft form – but in […]
Category: child growth and development
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Normal Child Growth & Development was “Demonic” Said the Shepherds in The Walk of JRS Church of the Living Word
This post titled Normal Child Growth & Development was “Demonic” Said the Shepherds in JRS The Walk is a subsection of No Non-cents Nanna blogs by author Malika Bourne. (Online author’s legal pen name.) From the years 1972 to 1983, as a member of The Church of the Living Word cult, I offered my expertise in childcare. I was seeing, unmet developmental goals, safety issues in the nurseries, and abuse in the “Kingdom Schools” my children attended instead of my preference for Head Start and public school. But, that was a No-No brick wall with my husband due to the influence of leadership in “Kingdom Businesses”. I had been groomed to be a “doily on the head” “help-meet” wife of […]